delete sender's message However, with new Telegram updates, they provide two-step verification for your telegram account. That means if you want to login to telegram on another device, it’s required your two-step password to log in. You can also set up it from the Privacy and Security list as I mentioned above. Custom themes
If you ever receive any cool short audio clip like a meme sound or any hilarious sound effect (also works with the sent audio) just long-press on it and choose the “Save for Notifications” option in the popup. For power users, scheduling is a great way to achieve many tasks at a given time. We already use email scheduling a lot, but it’s awesome to see Telegram bringing this feature for messages as well. As you saw above, you can schedule a message just by pressing and holding the “send” button. Here, choose “Schedule message” and pick the date and time. The message will be sent at your preferred time. Another great option in groups or channels is being able to pin messages. Tap a message and choose Pin to keep it at the top of the chat, where everyone can easily reference it. This feature allows you to filter out and put personal chats, channels, groups, contacts in different and customized folders. You can customize folders the way you want, plus there are some additional features. For example, you can have all chats with unread messages automatically added to a folder.
These new monetization methods include ads on public one-to-many channels (which function like Twitter feeds), premium features for business teams and power users, and paid sticker packs. Some of these funds will go back to users in the form of enhanced visibility for channels or payments to creators of unique sticker packs. If you’ve already downloaded the app, here are some cool tricks that will help you use Telegram more efficiently. We’ve described the features and how to use them. While instructions are specific to Android devices, you can follow them on iOS devices too. The contributions of premium subscribers will help improve and expand the app for decades to come, while Telegram will remain free, independent and uphold its users-first values, redefining how a tech company should operate. If you are using Telegram on your PC, Laptop, or another device, your secret chat is only visible to your device that you started it.
Telegram allows users to locate contacts nearby you, should they choose to be discovered. This allows you to quickly add someone close to you on Telegram without going through the hassle of first noting their number and saving the contact manually. Users can also use this feature to find and create groups of nearby users. Bots that are integrated into the Attach attachment menu can now also work in groups and channels in addition to one-on-one chats.
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